Starry Wisdom

Entropic Words from Neilathotep

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How To Feel Old

It’s really simple: go to an all ages show!

I went to see Los Campesinos! (the most exciting thing to come out of Wales since the new Doctor Who) last night at Slim’s. It was an all ages show, and while I think at least half the club were of drinking age, most everyone was barely so (or got in with a fake ID). That being said, it was a really good show. The opening band, Sky Larkin, were, frankly, an adorable trio of youngsters from Yorkshire. Much like LC! themselves, they are indie pop, and were a fun opening act.

The headliners did not disappoint, playing a good mix of songs from their newer album We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed (which I don’t like as much as…) and their older album, Hold on Now, Youngster…. Age is relative, both are from 2008! Their songs are super poppy and fun in general, and they are really energetic live – so much so that Gareth Campesinos! had to reach for his brand new inhaler that he obtained via posting on Twitter, as he had lost his on their US tour.

During the finale/encore the people from Sky Larkin came back out, and half of Los Campesinos! came down to the floor, which was odd, but sort of cool.

A few iphone pics:

and supar crappy on the floor during the encore:

posted by neil at 4:59 pm
under adventure,music  

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